

The word that I chose to focus on this year is "relationship". So I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered "Pay It Forward" on Emily's blog Ember Grey (check it out by the way, it's awesome).

Pay It Forward is on Facebook and says:
Pay it forward in 2014! To start this year off in a loving way, I'm participating in this Pay-It-Forward Initiative: The first five people who comment on this status with "I'M IN!" will receive a surprise from me at some point in this calendar year- anything from a book, to something made, maybe a postcard, absolutely any surprise! It will happen when the mood comes over me and I find something I think might make you smile or brighten your day. These five people must make the same offer in their status and distribute their own joy. Simply copy this text onto your profile so we can form a web of connection and kindness. Let's do more nice and loving things for each other in 2014, without any reason other than to make each other smile. Here's to a more enjoyable, more friendly and love filled year!  

 Pay It Forward

Emily had the awesome idea of doing this through her blog and I thought I'd join in on the fun! 
HERE ARE THE RULES: The first five people who comment on this blog post, in the comments section, with "I'M IN!" will receive a surprise from me at some point in this calendar year. These five people must make the same offer on their own blog, as well as note/link to which blog their Pay It Forward came from. 

*I will reach out to the first five people to get your mailing address*

*If you don't make it into the first five, please do feel free to comment and participate! I'd love to see how you choose to pay it forward this year!*

*Chasing Happy is hosting a similar linkup called Love It Forward and it is focused on showing love to any and everyone! Be sure to check that out too! You can never spread too much love + happiness, so I'll be participating in Love It Forward as well!

Pay It Forward


  1. Hi Keizra. I love this idea. I am in. Thanks for sharing this.

    1. Yay!! Ok, please email me your addy 27thandluxe@gmail.com


I read all comments and will reply as well! Thank you so much for your comment!