
Today I wanted to talk about finding + managing inspiration. When you've determined what your passion is, it's very key that you are able to find inspiration around you to nurture that passion! Now, that can be a difficult thing to do when your brain is going 100 mile per minute and you have a hectic schedule. So, how exactly do you find + manage inspiration?

Well, to find inspiration (in my opinion), it's best to try new things related to what you are passionate about. For example, if you are passionate about photography, take a photography course AND practice what you've learned. If you're passionate about blogging, attend a conference like Alt Summit. Want to learn photoshop? Attend Blogshop

These classes and events give you an opportunity to mingle IN PERSON with other like minded individuals, and an opportunity to be inspired by the people you meet. That's important to me and something I hope I get to experience in the near future. I've joined a local blogging group and I'm looking forward to the next meet up!

So how do you manage inspiration? By manage I mean getting a lot out of what you're passionate about and not letting all of your ideas, visions and dreams fall to the wayside because you may be trying to focus on too much at once. Patience young grasshopper!

Slow down // It's important to take things one step at a time. I know that I have a ton of ideas  and a lot of different things that I'd like to try. It's important to create a schedule and an actionable timeline for completing the new hobbies that you're interested in. 

Set a realistic schedule // As I stated, I have a ton of ideas and hobbies I want to try. While I've set a schedule for myself, I've also made sure that it's a realistic timetable for me. So if that means I pick a few items to concentrate on for 6 months, then so be it! Trust me, it's better to dedicate your time and energy to a few things than try to juggle everything!

Get out of your house + comfort zone // This is a big one for me! I can sit in my house and be the happiest person in the world! Now that I am building this blog, it has given me more...focus on getting out and seeing the world. By leaving the house and trying new things, you are expanding your horizons, creating a luxe life, and bringing back awesome content to share with your blog readers. 

read, Read, READ // By reading other blogs, news articles and books related not only to your personal interests, but also topics that are outside of your normal reading list, you are expanding your knowledge base and able to see things from a different perspective. 

Recap + Refocus // What worked for you in the past? What activities did you enjoy and what did you learn? Take that information and continue to do those inspiring activities! But also, put things into perspective and refocus. The activities that just did not do it for you - they don't make the cut. Toss those bad boys to the side. On the plus side, you had the opportunity to try something new. On the other plus side, you now know what you really enjoy, and you have the opportunity to try some new things if you choose to do so. 

How do you find and manage your inspiration? What activities are you trying this year? I plan on taking a photography course and learning some HTML + CSS. I'd love to know what you're working on, inspire me! :)

{Original image via Domino photograph by Brittany Ambridge produced by Robert Leleux interior design and styling by Suzanne and Lauren McGrath} Text added by 27th + Luxe

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