I wanted to do something a bit different for today's Inspiration Sunday. I want to share something that I have been struggling with. This is something that I don't do, but here it goes.

Over the holiday's I had the opportunity to interview for a marketing position. I got a call that I may need to come in for a 3rd interview and after 3 weeks of waiting to hear back, I found out that it was decided that overall I was not a good fit for the needs of the position.

I'm not going to lie, I cried! I can't for the life of me figure out what I need to do differently to have the job I want. Was grad school a waste of time and an unnecessary increase to my student loan debt?And then I wonder if maybe it's just not meant to be. I have dreams of doing something else too, so maybe that's where my focus should be?

How long do you continue to try before throwing in the towel? I feel like giving up! When I spoke to my sister, she encouraged me to keep trying. Naturally, I am not a quitter, but that sure is what I feel like doing!

I wonder what the Lord is trying to teach me and I wonder what I am being prepared for. And, I'm not going to lie, right now my patience is gone.

Is anyone else out there struggling with this or something similar?

To sum this all up and provide some inspiration for the week, here are 3 Inspiration Sunday quotes:

 It's Never Too Late

 Never Give Up

 Never Stop

1 comment:

  1. Hey!! I nominated your for a Liebster award :) congrats!


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