Today's post is about an opportunity. I am thankful that I had the opportunity to further my education. My parents always told us for as far back as I can remember that we were going to college. So, when my senior year of high school came, I applied to several colleges and applied for financial aid and that was it! In the fall I started college at the place that is now my alma mater, PVAMU.

I’m so thankful for the experience! I did a lot of growing up there, met some great people, and really set the foundation for where I want to be in life professionally. And I am not talking about the corporate world. As I’ve gotten older and started to really think about what I would like to do with my life, I can see how my time at PV has had a direct impact on that. I also see how my time there, and my parents planting the education seed has pushed me to accomplish my dreams.
I’m thankful that I have the opportunity to do the same for my children.
What opportunity are you thankful for? Please share in the comments section!
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