Day 17 of The Thankful Project! Wow the time is really flying!! There's still time to link up here!
Today's prompt is "a room".
So I have two rooms in this apartment that I am thankful for. First up is my living room. I am thankful for it because I get to practice my interior styling here - so fun and still a work in progress!!

It's also where we entertain when we have company, and it is also home to my sewing table and sewing machine!

I used to have it tucked in the corner by the window, but here feels better...and I don't have to break my neck trying to watch the TV!!
Second up is my "workspace"!!

That's little Ava creeping into the picture! This room -also still very much a work in progress!! This is actually my dining room, but we never eat here. The major thing I've used it for was a trunk show I hosted back in April! I moved two of the dining chairs to the bar and moved my printer and paper bin under the "mini bar". I like it because I can paint, make jewelry and whatever else here. And, if it ever needs to be a dining room again for a day, it's an easy switcharoo!!
Oh yeah!! So I'm thankful for these rooms because I get to be creative in them and they aren't permanent. I can change them up whenever I get that urge for something different (which happens often believe it or not!).
So how about you? Do you have any spaces in your home that ignite your creative fire? What room(s) are you thankful for?
[…] for myself, I also dream about my workspace. I posted what I’m currently working with here. Still a work in progress for sure! I currently live in an apartment and I can’t wait until […]